Monday, April 5, 2010

How To: Be a Poser

1) To be a Poser, one first must understand the correct definition. Many believe the word is derived from the western anglo saxon action verb of pretending to be someone they are not; however, being a Poser is really a term for regular average-joesque's* who prefer to look good in pictures at all times- even casual/supposedly unposed shots.
2) Looking good is a must. You must look good every day of every year. If you do not look good in real life, then you will not look good on film. It is the E=MC2** formula of Poser-ing.
3) Never assume that there is not a camera near you. You must assume that the lens is always peering toward you like a merecat among the long savanna grass; and as the cheetah that the merecat is searching for a glance at, you must be ready to attack at all times.
4) There is no such thing as an irrevelent or useless camera***.
5) Now that you look good and are prepared for any camera that comes your way... you must learn the art of posing- Overexentuate every movement, even facial expressions. Props are vital. By overexentuating and using props, you will be set up for the perfect shot every time!****
6) Carrying around a blowdrier or handheld electric fan will ensure the perfect windblown look. NOTE: for complete naturaloscity- do not let the fan or blowdrier be seen in any photos.
7) Don't be afraid to pretend as though you do things of which you do not like or are not fond of or are not very talented at in order to take a great picture! If you do your duty as a Poser, everyone who sees the photo will fully believe that you do those things and think you are really cool for it!*****

*average-joesque=average-joe esque(like)=you.
***Security camera's or people of whom you are unaquainted with's cameras (you never know where those pictures could go... they might come back to haunt you).
****Failure at any time to overexentuate or use props will result in a bad shot, and banishment from the rhelm of Poserdom.

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